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What is a Music Champion?
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Start Your Journey

Start Your Journey
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Music Cafes

Music Cafes
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Caring Through Music

Caring Through Music
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Carer Stories

Carer Stories
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Privacy Policy

Your personal privacy is important to Manchester Camerata. This notice explains how we collect, store, manage, process, and protect your personal information. It informs you of the types of information we might hold, how and where we’ll use it once it’s been collected and how we will keep it safe. When we ask you to share any information with us we will always be very clear and won’t do anything with it that is unexpected.

If you wish to contact us about this privacy notice or anything to do with your data at Manchester Camerata, you can contact us by:

Telephone: 0161 226 8696
Email: [email protected]
Post: Data Team, Manchester Camerata, The Monastery, 89 Gorton Lane, Manchester, M12 5WF


We’ll collect information from you in several ways and most of the information we collect comes directly from you and with your consent.

If you’re a member of our audience, we will collect your personal information when:

  • You buy tickets for our concerts/events via our website
  • You request to join our monthly newsletter list
  • You make a donation to support us
  • You become a patron

If you are a participant in our Music in Mind Programme, we may collect your personal information when:

  • You register to participate in one of our projects
  • You register to access the membership area of the Music in Mind website

We will always make it clear what data we are collecting from you during these transactions. Sometimes we may be given your information from third parties, such as other cultural organisations and co-producers who have asked your permission to share your data.

If your data is provided to us by another person because they feel you may be interested in our work e.g. a recommendation by a friend, or from a publicly accessible source (such as a website) we will contact you to tell you where we obtained the information. This includes all persons connected with Manchester Camerata’s concerts, Camerata in the Community and Music in Mindprogrammes.

The following data and information may also be automatically collected when you visit our website:

  • IP address
  • Referring website
  • Web browser and device
  • Cookies
  • Time and date
  • Web pages visited
  • Geographical location

Depending on your own privacy settings, you may give us permission to access information from your social media apps. We may also capture your image in photography, audio or video recording of a concert, Camerata in the Community project, Music in Mind project or special events. If this is the case, clear signage will be displayed to notify audience members that this is happening. Any audience members not wishing to be filmed or photographed must bring this to the attention of a member of staff, the photographer or the filmmaker so that measures can be taken to enable this. Please see further information regarding photography, audio and video recording during Camerata in the Community and Music in Mind projects in section 5 below.


We only collect personal information that is essential to our operation as a business, allows us to fulfil our obligations to our customers, maintain our records and accounts, provide good customer service, and to promote our work in and out of concerts/events/community projects.

Most of the information we collect is obtained directly from you and may include:

  • Names
  • Titles
  • Postal addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Telephone numbers
  • Online identifiers
  • Date of birth
  • Bank details
  • Any donations made to Manchester Camerata and gift aid status where applicable and as required by HMRC
  • Records of communications sent to/received from individuals
  • Photos/audio/video recordings of concerts/events/Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind projects or performances
  • Where the data is collected from and stored

We also collect the following data from students who work with us on placement:

  • Name and location of college/university
  • Name of course
  • Date of course

If an individual participates in one our Camerata in the Community (CitC) / Music in Mind projects, we collect:

  • Contact details for parent, guardian or personal consultee
  • Dietary requirements or any other sensitive information required to enable successful participation

To identify potential supporters and make appropriate requests for donations, we analyse and combine personal information with other publicly available information to better understand the interest, influence and affluence of our supporters and donors.

We may use images/sources that are available in the public domain to help us identify individuals who attend fundraising or networking events.

Sensitive personal information

We may collect sensitive classes of information on occasions. Examples of this might include a disability or the racial or ethnic origin of a person. This data is only collected with the explicit consent of the individual.

If you are disabled, we may also process information which will help us make sure that you have the best experience when attending one of our concerts, as one of our employees, a member of the orchestra or a participant in our Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind programme. This could include:

  • you use a wheelchair and require wheelchair access
  • your request to use assisted hearing
  • that you bring an assistance dog
  • you require a seat for a personal assistant

If this data is ever processed for purposes of monitoring and reporting, it is always done so anonymously.


The information we collect about you helps us to provide you with the best service we can, to better understand what you need from us and to make sure you don’t miss out on information about our upcoming concerts, projects, events and special offers.

We process personal information to fulfil a contract with you (e.g. to provide you with a ticket for one of our concerts), where we have your consent to do so, where we are legally obliged to and where there is a legitimate interest. For example, we may use your information to:

  • Deliver information to you
  • Improve the service we offer you
  • Understand how you want to be contacted, i.e. email, post, phone
  • Contact you about what’s on, patronage, news, and topics you’ve asked to hear more about
  • Provide you with information on goods and services by other cultural partners whose work you have seen at one of our concerts/events/projects, where we have your consent to do so
  • Understand your interests and preferences so that when we contact you the information is relevant to you
  • Create mailing lists to share information about our activities
  • To conduct research to understand the geographical location and demographics of our audience
  • Notify you about practical issues that could affect your booking such as a change to our programme
  • Gather feedback from you directly or by survey
  • To alert you to opportunities to support Manchester Camerata by making a donation or becoming a patron
  • To carry out basic research to estimate your interest in supporting Manchester Camerata as a charity
  • To make sure any communications we send you about supporting Manchester Camerata are appropriate


We will never share your personal information with any third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent. We will never sell, rent or trade your personal information.

We protect all the personal information we collect. Our computer network is protected, and information given in our online accounts are encrypted.

To fulfil our contract with you it’s sometimes necessary for third party providers to have access to your data so that they can perform services on our behalf (for example, we use Wordfly to send out email information).

We’ll only keep information for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this notice and to fulfil our legal obligations. We’ll never keep more information than we need.

If you ask us to stop sending you direct marketing communications, we will, and you can change your preferences at any time.

We may need to share personal information:

  • Service providers who work on our behalf for the fulfilment of a contract we enter with you, for example mailing houses, marketing agencies, database services, website hosting or email delivery services
  • Research companies who help us to understand our audience to enable us to improve our service (Tessitura)
  • Anyone who provides a service on our behalf will enter into an agreement with us and will meet our data security standards. They will only use your data for the clearly defined service that they are providing
  • The police or a regulatory or government authority investigating illegal activities
  • Some of the services we offer on our website use servers that are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA), this means that the personal information you provide could be transferred to countries outside the EEA e.g. we may transfer your data to the USA via organisations such as Wordfly. If your personal information is transferred outside of the EEA in this way, we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights are protected as outlined here.

Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of the data you transmit to our site as no transmission over the internet is 100% secure; any transmission of your data to us is therefore at your own risk.


Photographs, audio and video recordings are classed as personal information. Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind will occasionally take photographs, audio and video recordings during projects for marketing and publicity purposes; e.g. to raise the profile of the activity, for participants and partner organisations to keep as a memoir of the project or for reporting to our funders. These photographs, audio and video recordings may be used in press, print, social media, on the Manchester Camerata or Music in Mind websites or on the website of a partner organisation involved in a Camerata in the Community or Music in Mind project.

We will always notify you if we intend to take photographs, audio or video recordings during a Camerata in the Community / Music in MInd project that you are part of. Before we can take any photographs, audio or video recordings, we will ask for the consent of either you or your parent, guardian or personal consultee through the completion of a Manchester Camerata media permission form.

For participants under the age of 18, permission must be given by a relative or personal consultee of the individual taking part in the activity. Participants who are over the age of 18 may be able to give consent on their own behalf if they are deemed to have capacity to do so. We will work with partner organisations for specific projects in order to assess the capacity of a participant to decide whether they give permission to take photographs, audio or video recordings as part of a Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind project. This assessment of capacity will be conducted in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act of 2005 and further information can be found here.

If you are part of an organisation that we are working with as part of a project e.g. a school, housing association, care setting or partner organisation, you might have already completed a permission form with them which covers the use of photographs, audio or video recordings by external organisations. If this is the case, we will ask the organisation for written proof of this permission being granted before using any of the images or footage.

The photographs, audio and video recordings taken during Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind projects will be stored in a secure location at Manchester Camerata’s office and will be used in the public domain for a maximum of five years, after which they will be destroyed.

If you bring to our attention that you do not want to be photographed, audio or video recorded during a Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind project, we will ensure that the photographer, audio or video recorder is aware of this and does not include you in any images or footage.

For further information regarding the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults during their engagement in our Camerata in the Community / Music in Mind programmes, please see our Safeguarding policy.


Every email you get from us will include details about how to change your communications preferences and how to unsubscribe from future communications.

You have the right to ask us to amend or stop how we use your personal information including for marketing purposes. You can do this by phoning, emailing, or in writing using the correct details below.

You have the right to get the information we hold on you corrected. If you have any concern about the accuracy of your personal data, please let us know using the details below.

You have the right to be forgotten; if you would like us to remove the personal information we hold about you, please contact us using the details below.

You can request details of personal information that we hold about you by contacting the team and providing a description you would like to see, together with proof of your identity.

It is easy to access and amend the personal information that we hold on you. You can do this over the phone, via email, or in writing using the following details:

By phone: 0161 226 8696
By email: [email protected]
By post: Manchester Camerata, The Monastery, 89 Gorton Lane, Manchester, M12 5WF

You have the right to lodge a complaint with The Information Commissioner’s Office.

Further Information and updates to this notice:

The Manchester Camerata website is owned and operated by Manchester Camerata (Registered Charity No. 503675). For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 and EU GDPR the data controller is Manchester Camerata (Company Registration No. 1128463).

The Music in Mind website is owned by Music in Mind Remote Ltd (Company Registration No. 13746290), a partner company to Manchester Camerata.

This notice was updated on 22nd May 2018. It may be necessary to update it from time to time to reflect changes to our business operations or to legislation. Updates will be posted on this page. We may also directly inform you of any changes.

For further information on data protection regulations and laws:

Data protection
Fundraising regulator