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Music in Mind International

Manchester Camerata

Not only are we running our Music in Mind dementia-music programme for people in the UK but we’re now bringing its benefits to musicians in Sweden, Taiwan and even Japan!

Music in Mind musician Ryan Breen (Tuba) and music therapist Brigitte Jones (Keyboard) spent a week with Lundalands Filharmoniska Orkester in Sweden, teaching them the foundations of Music in Mind’s music therapy-based, research-led techniques, demonstrating how musical improvisation can be used as a tool to help to connect people living with dementia and their carers/family members.

Ryan Breen said, “It’s been amazing seeing how our Music in Mind programme is so effective internationally. I was so impressed with how our colleagues over in Sweden took to it, and I’m sure they’ll implement what we showed them to great effect”.

Lizzie Hoskin, Head of Community, said “It’s great to see how our Music in Mind programme has been so well received by musicians and healthcare professionals around the world. For something that was borne out of necessity during the pandemic, we’re all really proud of how it’s developing, year after year”.

Read more about our work with the British Council in Japan and our training programme for musicians and carers in Taipei here.

Click here to find out more about our Music in Mind programme >

Ryan and members of the Lundalands Filharmoniska Orkester